nccsdata Part 1: Downloading Data


The nccsdata package equips users with tools to read, filter, and append metadata in publicly available NCCS Core and Business Master File (BMF) datasets. Its key features include the following:

  1. downloading legacy Core and BMF datasets from the NCCS Data Archive across multiple years to construct panel datasets for research
  2. providing information on the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) used by the IRS and NCCS to classify nonprofits
  3. providing information on US census units that can be used to filter downloaded data based on geography
  4. constructing summary tables for downloaded data

In part one of this four-part series on the nccsdata package, we introduce the package and outline the process of downloading NCCS legacy data using the get_data()function. Parts two through four cover NTEE codes, census data, and summary tables.


You can install the development version of nccsdata directly from its GitHub repository with:

install.packages( "devtools" )
devtools::install_github( "UrbanInstitute/nccsdata" )

Next, load in the package with:

library( nccsdata )

Downloading Data

Use nccsdata cto download legacy core data from 1989 to 2019 for charities, nonprofits, or private foundations that have filed their respective required IRS forms, including Form 990, 990EZs, or both.

These data can be filtered based on the type of organization, the type of IRS forms files, NTEE codes, and geographic units from the US census.

core_2005_nonprofit_pz <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2005",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ" )
#> Requested files have a total size of 82.6 MB. Proceed
#>                       with download? Enter Y/N (Yes/no/cancel)

tibble::as_tibble( core_2005_nonprofit_pz )
#> # A tibble: 157,211 × 150
#>    NTEECC new.code broad.category univ  hosp  two.digit
#>    <chr>  <chr>      <chr>    <chr>          <chr>       <lgl> <lgl> <chr>    
#>  1 J40    RG-HMS-J40 RG       HMS            J           FALSE FALSE 40       
#>  2 W30    RG-PSB-W30 RG       PSB            W           FALSE FALSE 30       
#>  3 W30    RG-PSB-W30 RG       PSB            W           FALSE FALSE 30       
#>  4 W30    RG-PSB-W30 RG       PSB            W           FALSE FALSE 30       
#>  5 W30    RG-PSB-W30 RG       PSB            W           FALSE FALSE 30       
#>  6 Y42    RG-MMB-Y42 RG       MMB            Y           FALSE FALSE 42       
#>  7 S41    RG-PSB-S41 RG       PSB            S           FALSE FALSE 41       
#>  8 N60    RG-HMS-N60 RG       HMS            N           FALSE FALSE 60       
#>  9 S41    RG-PSB-S41 RG       PSB            S           FALSE FALSE 41       
#> 10 S41    RG-PSB-S41 RG       PSB            S           FALSE FALSE 41       
#> # ℹ 157,201 more rows
#> # ℹ 142 more variables: further.category <int>, division.subdivision <chr>,
#> #   broad.category.description <chr>, <chr>,
#> # <chr>, division.subdivision.description <chr>, keywords <chr>,
#> #   further.category.desciption <chr>, ntee2.code <chr>, EIN <chr>,
#> #   TAXPER <int>, STYEAR <int>, CONT <int>, DUES <int>, SECUR <int64>,
#> #   SALESEXP <int64>, INVINC <int>, SOLICIT <int>, GOODS <int>, GRPROF <int>, …
core_2005_artnonprofits_newyork <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2016",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ",
            ntee = "ART",
            geo.state = "NY" )
#> Requested files have a total size of 113.6 MB. Proceed
#>                       with download? Enter Y/N (Yes/no/cancel)

tibble::as_tibble( core_2005_artnonprofits_newyork )
#> # A tibble: 346 × 168
#>    NTEECC new.code broad.category univ  hosp  two.digit
#>    <chr>  <chr>      <chr>    <chr>          <chr>       <lgl> <lgl> <chr>    
#>  1 A01    AA-ART-A00 AA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 1        
#>  2 A01    AA-ART-A00 AA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 1        
#>  3 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  4 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  5 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  6 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  7 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  8 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#>  9 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#> 10 A03    PA-ART-A00 PA       ART            A           FALSE FALSE 3        
#> # ℹ 336 more rows
#> # ℹ 160 more variables: further.category <int>, division.subdivision <chr>,
#> #   broad.category.description <chr>, <chr>,
#> # <chr>, division.subdivision.description <chr>, keywords <chr>,
#> #   further.category.desciption <chr>, ntee2.code <chr>, EIN <int>,
#> #   ACCPER <int>, ACTIV1 <dbl>, ACTIV2 <dbl>, ACTIV3 <dbl>, ADDRESS <chr>,
#> #   AFCD <dbl>, ASS_BOY <dbl>, ASS_EOY <dbl>, BOND_BOY <dbl>, BOND_EOY <dbl>, …

Data are downloaded with the get_data() function. In this story, we provide several examples illustrating how this function can be used to retrieve these legacy data.

Downloading Core Data

With get_data() we can define the type of data, the desired time range (in years), organization type, and form type using the arguments dsname, time, scope.orgtype, and scope.formtype respectively.

The acceptable values for these arguments are as follows:

  • dsname: The type of data to download
    • core: NCCS Legacy Core data
    • bmf: NCCS Business Master File (BMF) data
  • time: Any year from 1989-2019 where data is available. Full catalog can be found
  • scope.orgtype
    • CHARITIES: All charities
    • NONPROFIT: All nonprofits
    • PRIVFOUND: All private foundations
  • scope.formtype
    • PC: Nonprofits that file the full IRS Form 990
    • EZ: Nonprofits that file 990EZs only
    • PZ: Nonprofits that file both full Form 990s and 990EZs
    • PF: Private foundation filings

For example, the code snippet below downloads NCCS core data from the year 2015 for all nonprofits that file both full 990s and 990EZs:

core <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2015",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ" )

Whenever get_data() is used, the user will encounter a prompt that provides information about the download size of the requested data. The prompt also requests permission to perform the download. This allows the user to preemptively cancel downloads that are too large for their computer or internet connection.

Filtering data downloads using NTEE codes

To further refine data downloads, get_data() can also pull only a subset of the data based on NTEE classifications using its various ntee associated arguments, as shown in this example:

core_art <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2015",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ",
            ntee = c("ART") )

In the above code snippet, we pull the same dataset but only select rows belonging to nonprofits involved in the Arts, Culture and Humanities. A full description of NTEE codes is available here.

The available ntee arguments are:

  • ntee: Any valid full or partial NTEE code
  • Level 1 of a full NTEE code
  • ntee.code: Levels 2-4 of a full NTEE code
  • ntee.orgtype: Level 5 of a full NTEE code

Part two of this series of data stories covers NTEE codes, their structures, and additional associated NTEE functions in greater detail.

Filtering Data By Geography

We can filter the data by US census units through get_data()’s geo arguments. The code snippet below shows how to retrieve rows about nonprofits in New York City using geo.state and for state- and city-level filtering respectively.

core_NYC <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2015",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ",
            geo.state = "NY",
   = "New York City" )

Additional geo arguments can be used to subset the data by county (geo.county) and region (geo.region).

geo arguments must be used in conjunction with one another. For example, for Allen, Indiana, and San Francisco, California, we would use:

  • geo.state = “IN”, geo.county = “Allen” for “Allen, IN”
  • geo.state = “CA”, = “San Francisco” for “San Francisco, CA”

get_data() layers these filters to subset the data based on the desired geographic unit. If only one argument is used, it returns all rows falling within the requested geographic region (for example, geo.region = “south” returns all rows from the southern states, and = “Lebanon” returns all rows belonging to cities with the name ‘Lebanon’).

For more in-depth information on these geographic filters and additional geography-related functions, refer to part three of this data story.

Appending BMF Data to Core Data

get_data() automatically appends NTEE metadata to the requested dataset and can be configured to append BMF data to any downloaded Core data set.

Appending metadata from the IRS Business Master File (BMF) requires downloading an additional 185 MB and can be toggled on/off with append_bmf.

corebmf <- 
  get_data( dsname = "core",
            time = "2015",
            scope.orgtype = "NONPROFIT",
            scope.formtype = "PZ",
            append.bmf = TRUE )

Downloading BMF Data

The geo and ntee arguments discussed earlier can also be applied to download and filter BMF data. The code snippet below returns a subset of BMF for California-based nonprofits in the Arts, Culture, and Humanities group:

bmf <- 
  get_data( dsname = "bmf",
            ntee = c("ART"),
            geo.state = c("CA") )


With the get_data() function, researchers familiar with R can easily access NCCS data for use in their work. Further details about the package are available on the official nccsdata package website

More Stories

nccsdata Part 4: Summary Tables

Part 4 of 4 data stories covering the nccsdata R package. This story focuses on summarising NCCS legacy data.

R packages

nccsdata Part 2: NTEE Codes

Part 2 of 4 data stories covering the nccsdata R package. This story focuses on parsing NTEE codes.

R packages